
Hi, I’m Sarah. I am an American living in Holland and am married to Rende, a cabinetmaker and photographer. With me in the photo, is Lucie (Lucida Bright), our much adored purebred fox terrier.

I started this blog in 2008 to share my journey as an artist searching for more engaged ways to work with my creativity.

In my 40 years of professional life as an artist I’ve worked as a graphic designer, calligrapher, book designer, fine artist, and period instrument decorator. Depending on the commissions that come on my path I still do all these things. Plus I’ve always been active as a teacher of calligraphy, art and creative process.

I guess the thing that has shaped my journey most recently has been the last 15 years spent as a healthcare artist here in Holland. From that experience I wrote ‘Chocolate Rain’ which was published in England in 2011, the German edition came out in 2012, and the English version will be reprinted in 2015.  It has just been honored by being chosen with 24 other books on dementia for the Reading Well Books Prescription list. This means it will appear in libraries across the UK as well as being recommended by family doctors, therapists and social workers.

My most recent commission- decorating a period instrument (Ruckers harpsichord) songboard made by Matthias Griewisch.

Another completed collaboration is with artist friend Alicia Devine designing and acting in an internet course on Creative approaches to communication in dementia for caregivers and social workers. The CD will be available to carers in Inverclyde, through David Ramsay at the Inverclyde Council.

Right now my main focus is working on my new book about socially engaged arts; and progressing on my oil paintings. I share my discoveries and practical working  methods on this journey in this blog in the category Paintings. My portfolio site is www.szoutewelle.wordpress.com , see my latest work there.

One last thought; I have always known that for me, ‘art is a gift, not a commodity’ (Lewis Hyde, ‘The Gift’). While we as artists need to survive, a central question in my creative life is how to keep the gift element alive in my work and life. And also, more recently, how to counteract the widespread conviction that unless sold as a product, art has no intrinsic worth. I am currently writing  articles, and blogs, on this subject which may one day grow into a book.

You won’t find me on Facebook, Linked in , or Twitter because I’m not interested in the kind of popularity contests these media inevitably come down to. And I’d rather be in my studio or garden.

I probably miss out on some sales and exposure, but this stance feels true for me.

Still, any extra help is always appreciated, friends often do Twitter favorite posts of mine or share them on Facebook. Fine with me.

Thanks for visiting. I really enjoy meeting people through my blog, you all enrich my life.

97 Responses to “About me”

  1. leftywritey Says:

    What a wonderful life. : )

    Holland! I can never get away because of my dog rescue/sanctuary and horse rescue, but the one place I want to go more than anything is Holland. I’ve always wanted to visit the Anne Frank House, ever since I was a young girl and read her diary.

    And I heard Amsterdam is a wonderful city.



  2. szoutewelle Says:

    Yes, it is a good life. I have to keep that in mind during the autumn like grey weather we often have in August though.

    Next timee I am in Amsterdam, I’ll see if I can go to the Anne Frank house and tell you what it is like. Too bad you can’t get away.

    Yes Amsterdam is a cool city. I live further north, but get there regularly.
    Of course your corner of the world is also one of my favorites.

  3. leftywritey Says:

    It is beautiful here in AZ too, yes. Too bad we couldn’t take a week and switch lives, lol.

    If you do get to the Anne Frank House, I’d *love* to hear about it, definitely. : )


  4. szoutewelle Says:

    That’s an idea! Who knows!

  5. Robyn Says:

    There are times when I come across a blog that makes my heart race because I recognise little pieces of myself in them. Your blog, your art and your views on the healing powers of art make my heart race.

  6. Miriam Says:

    Dear Sarah,
    I am most impressed with your website! It is beautiful, clear, easily navigated and full of such inspiring art! With your permission, I would love to use your site as a model for my students to see. It would be a fine lesson indeed exploring your site with my 4th and 5th graders.

  7. szoutewelle Says:

    Dear Miriam,
    What a compliment, coming from you especially. I am so glad you took the time to exlore it and that you feel my site would be a source for lesson material. You have certainly inspired me and provided me with a number of projects over the years.
    Please, feel free to use my site, blog, anything. And let me know how it was received, I am very curious what you will emphasize and what particularly will connect with a group of 10 and 11 year old New York American children!!

  8. thebrownone Says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for checking out my blog and thank you for introducing me to your site. It’s wonderful. I’ll bookmark it and check back frequently, as it’s something completely different from the other blogs and sites that I regularly visit!

    • szoutewelle Says:

      Yes, I thought so, your blog was the same for me, thanks. I guess it is easy to get caught in our own disciplines, there is just so much going on on the web.
      I don’t spend much time visiting other blogs, but I will drop by yours again sometimes. Enjoy your teaching.

  9. joanna peskey Says:

    hi Sarah, thanks for having such an interesting site. I too suddenly discovered Jeroen Krabbe by accident and his paintings had a similoar effect on me. I love his use of colour and I certainly feel inspired by him.
    I was interested to hear that he has made a dvd of one of his exhibitions and I wondered if you could tell me where I could purchase a copy. As I live in the UK then a dutch dvd should be ok to play here.
    I like your paintings by the way and I will certainly bookmark your site. Thanks alot, Joanna.

  10. madsilence Says:

    Hey Sarah! Thanks for the comment on the pesto, I didn’t even think of blanching the garlic! I hope you’ll leave another comment when you make it, would love to hear how it comes it 😉 And omg, butter-browned brussels are AMAZING. Finish with some freshly grated pecorino romano and you’re in heaven!!!
    ~MS the Younger

  11. Jeanie Moran Says:

    Dear Sarah,
    I once upon a time in Pgh.PA knew you as Linda Morris. I remember that you came to one of our Fourth of July parties (Jim & Jeanie Moran’s) at our house on Winebiddle and drew a tomoto plant with clusters of cherry tomatoes on my leg cast. I had just broken my right ankle. It’s good to see you and your lifework. I love your site. I just read the info about decluttering. It is so pertinent because Jim & I have been living in our house for 20 years and have lots of stuff. We just remodeled our kitchen and now we are moving onto other rooms to paint and do we ever have stuff. I like the idea of moving everything out. I’m going to do that in my studio space downstairs. That’s the trouble with big houses. There’s lots of places to put our stuff. This year is about getting rid of stuff also. I’ve also kept almost every book I could think of buying over the years. I have lots of books on weaving and I haven’t done weaving in 30 years. I even have the 40 ” Macomber loom I bought from Rose Bank. You remember her don’t you? I also have a big library of self help books. I’m now into painting with all kinds of mediums and doing collage with mixed media. And of course a lot of books on art. What got me into painting is that I fell and broke my hip 10 years ago and couldn’t go back to work as a nurse. So, I took one drawing class and have been taking a lot of different classes through the years. I did this for my own personal healing and continue to do so. I just had this idea “Can I count on your support to keep encouraging me to let go of stuff by just asking me “How’s it going?” Just a thought. My cat Dingle just sat on my lap. He says “Hello”. We have one other cat. His name is Zendo. They’re both brothers & Chocolate Point Siamese. Well, I best go as we’re having some friends over & we have to do pick up so the house is decently presentable.
    Jeanie “Beanie” Moran

    • szoutewelle Says:

      Jeanie, it was serendipitous to wake up this sunday morning and find your message, it confirms something I was thinking about. It is really nice to be in touch, I will reply in length personally later, but thank you for your thoughts. Do you know about Arts and Healing network?

  12. you are such a gift! i was feeling down lately because i feel the pressure of most people i know to go the popular way in marketing my art… even up to the point of creating what can sell the most. ahhh, i know there’s got to be some people out there who think otherwise. i found you through spoonfulzine, a site i discovered lately which is inspiring. thanks for sharing your art and your ideas.

    • szoutewelle Says:

      Well, Alpha, you are a gift too.
      I ‘ve spent some time at your site and blog and love the warmth radiating out of your work. (I also like the mini-painting idea very much).
      I see you are already quite accomplished in marketing your art, I don’t know what more you should be doing?

      Yes I like Spoonful a lot too, another case of someone followig their heart and enriching others lives by doing so.

  13. Hello,
    I live in the US, and I am going to grad school in the LA area( Claremont Graduate University) in the fall, but I cannot afford it. I am starting a sponsor program, where people can donate money to my education, and in return I will give them a piece of art. I was researching artist sponsorship when I came across your blog and your May 21st 2008 piece about sponsoring an artist. It was written so beautifully I do not think I could do a better job. Could I link it to my website and blog, and print it out and hand it out to future sponsors. I will of course sight you as the author. By the way, thank you for this blog- it is very inspiring.
    Stephanie Meredith
    Fine Art Stef on facebook

    • szoutewelle Says:

      Hi Stephanie,
      Thanks for writing, I love the painting on your homepage, it really speaks to me.
      Please do use my How to Sponsor an artist piece, I am so glad it can benefit someone directly. And thank you for the credit, I’d enjoy any extra readers that come to my blog and become interested in what I am writing about.
      I would like to make a small donation to your education as a gesture of support, please send me your paypal info. You don’t need to send me any art, it is a gift. Sarah

  14. Eleanor Duggan Says:

    Hi Sarah
    What a wonderful blog and website. I like it a lot and am very interested in the work you do especially in healthcare..it’s something I would love to know more about doing myself.I found your blog looking for information about Suzi Gablik(which I found) for an essay I am writing-I’m also a real admirer of her writings. All the very best and I will check out your blog again soon, I’m sure!

  15. John Raymond Says:

    Dear Sarah,

    Remember your visit to St Cecilia’s last August?
    I haven’t forgotten about you! Do you remember we were talking about some event possibly linked to painting harpsichord soundboards? Well, we are planning two events for later in the year with the intention of drawing attention to the decortive aspects of early keyboard instruments. Some of the enthusiasm for this has come from a young intern, Catherine Peck who is with us for a year.
    At the moment things are still tentative . We have a”Festival of Museums” week in May and hopefully an Exhibition following which will carry on through the Festival on the them of “Art of Music”
    We are hoping to be able to attract some special funding for these projects.

    I would love at some stage to be able to include some sort of painting workshop event and wonder whrther you might be interested to participate in some way?

    have really enjoyed reading your amazing Blog!
    Can’t wait to get my paints put again!

  16. Dear Sarah, I love Hyde’s book the Gift. I’ve been inspired by the British writer Jeanette Winterson’s book, Art Objects. I don’t loan it out anymore, because it never came back and I often want to refer to it. You might enjoy it. P

  17. szoutewelle Says:

    Patrick, thanks for dropping by and for your recommendation. I’ve read most of Winterson’s books up until recently, can’t remember Art Objects. I’ll look it up.

    I had the same with ‘Art & Fear’ (Orland and Boyles), I finally bought an extra copy strictly for lending, but that never came back either. So I have just the one which I no longer lend out.

  18. Do you know someone in Los Angeles calif. With
    Skills for harpsichord painting like yours?
    I build harpsichords I want them to look beautiful.

  19. Hi Sarah, I nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award– More info can be found here: http://skybluewithdaisies.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/versatile-blogger-thanks/. Have a nice day!

    • szoutewelle Says:

      Hi skybue, Thanks so much for the nomination. I went to the site and saw what was needed to accept the award- nominating and linking to 15 other blogs- and at the moment don’t feel like it is something I’ll be spending time on anytime soon. Also some of my favourite blogs are in Dutch.

      Thank you for the appreciation, though, that’s what counts! cheers, Sarah

      • Hi Sarah… i COMPLETELY understand about spending the time. It was very time consuming… and i almost felt guilty nominating others… not wanting them to feel obligated to do it. However i enjoyed revisiting all my favorite blogs… it was all about sending the love, and sending readers your way! See you again (-:

  20. clinock Says:

    So rewarding to even just scratch the surface of your blog Sarah – I admire your rich and varied creative life and the meaningful directions you have taken and are still taking your creative journey. I have looked at your Art and Painting categories and am impressed – I also visited your Tai Chi pages because I am called back to this dance after many years of non-practice – finding the right teacher has delayed me for some time. Your Tai Chi writings have inspired me to continue my search with renewed energy – thank you. I will be back…

    • szoutewelle Says:

      John, thanks for taking the time to visit here and look around. It is always nice to get some confirmation for one’s path, especially when things are low key as they are now.
      I’m so glad that you’ve been inspired to get back to Tai Chi, I think for me it is one of the things in my life which has been of greatest value all round- physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively. I hope you find the right teacher, always a challenge.

      Looking forward to following your journey.

  21. clinock Says:

    Sarah – I’ve just noticed you are following art rat cafe – I am so honoured, thank you…

  22. szoutewelle Says:

    John, one of the best perks in having a blog is meeting kindred spirits. I only follow a very few blogs but with these people I have a some kind of recognition of being on a similar path, as well as a quality contact. So the honor is mutual!.

  23. Janet Brostoff Beerman Says:

    I am enjoying catching up on the marvelous things you are doing. You look beautiful and happy….Lucie is adorable! Regards to Rende. Email me!

  24. Well, well, well; my Dear Linda, it has been a lifetime. In fact, 45 years since our paths crossed and I rejoice at finding old friends.
    Happy that you are happy. There never was a nicer girl.


  25. I just wished to drop by and tell you how glad I am every time I visit your beautiful blog and well… this photo of you and the adorable Lucie [!] is simply perfect happiness!
    PS. I feel the same about Facebook, Twitter etc.

    • szoutewelle Says:

      Thanks for all the attention and Likes you’ve given to my blog, marina. And for your sweet comment. I keep thinking I need to be honest and update the photo, (there are more wrinkles now,5 years later).But I love this picture with Lucie, and also my art in the background, so it stays until there is a better version.

  26. You’ve made some really good points there. I looked on the net to find out more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this site.

  27. Hello Sara and Rende

    We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy Newyear

    Peter & Durdana Putker

  28. Joline Says:

    I am so very glad that Rende shared a link to your blog. Your paintings of glass are so very striking, and I will very much enjoy following your work.
    Cheers from Maine.
    Joline Frazier

  29. Adeline Says:

    You have a beautiful blog of art here. I like what I see
    Greetings from Romania

  30. Annie Says:

    Hello Sarah,

    Could you please tell me how you made that beautiful rice paper bowl? Did you use a bowl or a balloon as a mould? And how did you manage to take it out without it crinkling? Also, how many layers of paper did you use?



  31. Dear Sarah,
    What a wonderful blog! What a wonderful life!
    This is no really a comment meant to be public but I couldn’t find a direct link to email you.
    I have enjoyed your blog and learning about your work. I don’t know if you ever embed videos, but I have a video I would love to share with your readers for Mother’s Day if you thought it appropriate.

    Perfume is a short (2½ minute) “illustrated moment” about loss and the sweetness of memory.

    I’d like this piece to find its way to those for whom it might be meaningful. I would be honored if you would like to embed it on your blog,

    Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Z2O9LNZOA

    To give you a little background, I am an artist and the author or the memoir Riding the White Horse Home and several other books. My most recent book, The Year of Living Virtuously (Weekends Off) will be published by Counterpoint Press next spring.

    With the hope that this small piece of work can have an impact, I offer it wholeheartedly.

    Yours sincerely,


    Teresa Jordan

    on a personal note, I just wanted to tell you how much I like the portrait of you. There is something about people who live a wholehearted and creative life that radiates from their presence.

    • Thanks Teresa, for your warm comments about my blog. I watched the video and loved how you responded to the film with your own special brand of creativity. I was moved by it. I don’t embed videos, but if people read these comments they can follow the link. best wishes and good luck with your books, Sarah

  32. cinzia Says:

    I found your blog goggling “artists calling artists”- I’m not even sure why I typed that… I guess I was trying to find some inspiring stories, or others artsy people online. I’m glad I found you! Thanks for sharing your story and to be a model in living one’s own dream {^_^}.

  33. Your blog is fabulous! 🙂

  34. Anna Says:

    Hallo Sarah,
    I just found your blog by accident. It is a nice blog. You have a picture of new years card that my father in law has made in 2009.
    It is for him so exciting knowing his work was on internet.
    I share the link to him.
    Erg leuk.
    Warme groet uit Groningen

    • thanks Anna, which card are you referring to and who is your father in law?

      • Anna Says:

        My father is law is Jaap Groenendal. I talk to him this afternoon, he was so happy about it. its very nice that you’re recognize his art by the finger and the snail. he was wondering who is your friend that shows that card to you.

      • Sarah Zoutewelle Says:

        hi Anna, I still can’t remember this card, and would be glad to tell Mr Groenendaal where I saw it, but can you tell me which post you found it in? thank you.

  35. Anna Says:

    What a nice thing to do is the name of your blog at january 24th 2009.

    • thanks Anna, that is solved now!
      The friend is Martin, a story teller, I knew him from our ‘stichting’, Anders Beleven, (or Het beter Gezelschap), that did art health events in hospitals throughout NL. I forget Martin’s last name.
      So glad your father in law is happy with seeing his card on the internet.

  36. Kate Says:

    I just discovered this blog when I was searching for work by artists who use oil pastels. You have given me lots of motivation. Lucky you, living in Holland. One of the happiest summers of my life was spent in Ijmuiden. Thanks for sharing your wonderful creativity!
    Kate, in Ontario, Canada

    • Nice to know how people get here!
      I’m glad you found inspiration here, oil pastels can be difficult to get into but I find them very forgiving as a medium, and versatile.
      good luck. I’m glad Holland holds happy memories for you.

  37. Kim Weiner Says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I found your site last year and meant to write, but then I lost touch with it, and just found it again! It is wonderful to read about what you have been doing, and that you are still so motivated to learn and creative and everything I remember about you! Your work is so, so beautiful! I hope we can stay in touch.
    Did you know that the Ivy School has a facebook page and a website?
    Love, Kim

    • Kim it is an amazing gift to hear from you. I’ve written back to you directly and am looking forward to picking up our contact. Thank you for the kind things you said, I am so glad you like my painting. Abe’s influence and my time with your family breathe through every brushstroke.
      love, Sarah

  38. flissw Says:

    Hi Sarah – I’m a novice blogger and a sculptor learning to paint – your blog looks like a treasure trove. Thank you. Best, Fliss

  39. Fran Martin Says:

    HI Sarah,
    I’m a Primary teacher living in England. Next week we are having a whole school Arts week choosing different media to depict nature. I’ve picked oil pastels for my class. In researching images of nature using oil pastel , I came across your site. I loved the creative painting of the tree on the hill so much that we are going to use it as our stimulus and aim to draw similar ones ourselves. Hope that’s ok with you. I think the children are going to love using the pastels in the same way that you have.If you read this before we start next week then it would be lovely for you to give us any tips!
    Thanks for inspiring me!
    Fran Martin

    • Hi Fran, I’m so glad you liked Living Tree (I presume it was that one) and will use it as an example for the kids. I think it is a good idea because the whole painting/drawing is in sections. You can get really creative with each portion and see how they combine, it is like a quilt. My only tip is that the oil pastel colours come out much better on coloured paper than on white. If you have proper pastel or drawing paper, heavyish weight it is ideal. What we call ‘construction’ paper in the US, (sugar paper?) isn’t recommended, it doesn’t have a good texture and the colours are either too garish or too dull.
      They can try blending the oil pastel with their fingers, or scratching it for extra texture, and layering one colour over another and scratching through the first layer is also fun. Good luck.

  40. Fran Martin Says:

    Hi Sarah ,
    Thanks so much for your reply. The children will be so excited when they see a real life artist has replied !!! Thanks for your tips. I will get some coloured paper form the art store . I was also wondering what the title of the picture was so I’m pleased that you’ve told me. It was the sections that I really liked and I thought the children could have fun changing colours and experimenting with patterns. Fingers crossed !

  41. Good luck, if you get a chance I’d really love to know how it went.

  42. amyoestreicher Says:

    I love your blog!!! As a survivor and “thriver” of a coma, 27 surgeries, and a decade of medical trauma. I know firsthand the healing power of nature and the arts. They were my way of connecting with the world, sharing my story, and spreading my message of hope, strength, and finding beauty in whatever life brings you. Since our blogs and message seem to resonate with one another, I’d love to link to your blog or to feature each others!

    I’d love for you to check out my own blog, where I continue to share that message – Allspice & Acrylics: A Celebration of Life and It’s Beautiful Detours. http://www.allspiceandacrylics.blogspot.com/

    This is my description:

    I am an artist, performer, musician, foodie, creator, and life-lover on a beautiful detour after at age 18, a sudden blood clot caused me to fall into a coma for months. Piecing together my life after my initial dreams of performing musical theatre took a turn into broader horizons. I believe it is my mission to spread messages of hope and strength while doing what I love to do, which is CREATE. Art, Music, Theatre, Writing – the world is full of everyday miracles and beautiful detours…

    The blog is my daily uncovering and discovery of gratitude, reflections on nature, healing, inspiration and art. I have always connected with nature, but at the time I needed it most, they provided me with the ultimate strength to get through.

    You can see some of my art – most of it was actually created in hospitals – on my online gallery:

    And learn more about my story here:

    Thanks so much!


    Amy Oestreicher

  43. Hi Sarah,

    John Killick sent me your contact information. I am a Kansas City-based author and dementia advocate, and I just interviewed John for my upcoming book called Creativity in the Land of Dementia: Finding Inspiration in the Care Partner’s Journey. John suggested I also reach out to you. I have ordered Chocolate Rain and am eager to read it. I’d like to talk to you about your ideas and experiences regarding art, creativity, and dementia.

    Would you have time for a telephone or Skype interview in June?

    Among the people I have already interviewed are Anne Basting, creator of TimeSlips, Michael Ellenbogen, author and advocate, Dan Cohen, creator of Music and Memory, Jyette Ludvig, PhD, author of The Alzheimer’s Activity Book, Judith-Kate Friedman, founder Songwriting Works, Richard Taylor, PhD, author and advocate, and Susan Shifrin, with ARTZ.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Deborah Shouse
    Family Caregiver, Alzheimer’s Advocate, Writer and Speaker
    myinfo at pobox dot com
    Author of Love in the Land of Dementia: Finding Hope in the Caregiver’s Journey

  44. certainline Says:

    Hello, Sarah. I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award: https://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/about/ You don’t necessarily have to follow it on but I just wanted to show my appreciation for your splendid blog. Many thanks.

  45. Karl Dubost Says:

    In the article “Getting Unstuck” (which is referenced in a couple of places), there is the mention of a ceramics teacher story. I don’t have access to the original article. But I would be delighted to get more information about the origin of the story, where, who, how to understand its context.


    • Thanks for your comment, Karl. I can’t seem to access that post,but I first saw the story in ‘Art & Fear’ by Orland and Boyles (?). Google the title you’ll find it.
      A ceramics teacher divided his class into 2 groups, one would receive their grade based on the beauty of the pots they threw, the other would be graded on how many pots they produced, regardless of excellence.
      The second group produced the most beautiful pots in the end because they just got to work and gained expertise through doing.
      The group to be graded on beauty sat around a lot debating what to do. And as a result produced little , and little of value.

  46. Evert van Dijk Says:

    Hoi Sarah,
    It reminds me a quote of our famous skater Rintje Ritsma: to become a great skater you must make ten thousands of kilometers. To my students calligraphy i tell: make kilometers and keep in your mind to make speed, because only then there is a chance you’ ll get good calligraphy. Take the risk to loose a bit control, and the greater is the chance you get not only energic writing but aspecially real beautiful writing, real calligraphy.
    With friendly greetings, Evert van Dijk

    • Hi Evert, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts,I totally agree with what you say about taking risks leading to real calligraphy. Same with painting really.
      take care,
      warm regards,

  47. anniecunni Says:

    You sound like a very caring person to me. Someone who loves her art but wants to help other people by using art as a means to aid others. Being creative is very therapeutic. I just started out on my own these last few weeks. I wrote for free for two years on an art tutorial site. I loved writing about areas in which art had helped people. Art from the heart as they say

  48. Robert Fraser Says:

    Hello Sarah!
    I’m writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have recently been given a harpsichord building kit. I started getting to work on it, and got to the soundboard painting part. I’m ok with the flowers, but the arabesques seemed way too much for me!! Until I found the picture in your blog (Aug 12th, 2007) where you use an applicator instead of a paint brush! Seeing your pictures and the finished soundboard was an amazing inspiration for me to keep at it! Now I’ve got my applicator and I’m ready to start, but I’m not sure about the paint consistency. How thick should the paint be? Any tips you could share with me regarding painting these Rucker’s designs? Thanks in advance and congratulations on your work and blog
    Kind regards

  49. Peggy Wang Says:

    Dear Sarah,

    My name is Peggy, I’m writing from London, I’m studying Communication Design MA at Central Sanit Martins. I’m doing the design project for Alzheimer’s since last year. I’ve been joined the Alzheimer’s society as a volunteer and met a lot of lovely people there, then I realised I should do something for them.

    My project is called “Brainiest” which is comprised of materials encouraging people with Alzheimer’s to engage in stimulating activities in group sessions and at home.

    The calendar of games for people with dementia to use at home to stimulate their brains every day. Each day of the week has the different theme of the game. Such as quiz on Monday, crossword on Tuesday, dot to dot on Wednesday. Also, they can make notes on the back each day.

    During the research, I’ve read your book (Chocolate Rain), which inspired me a lot. Can you give me some advice on my work if it possible, that would be really helpful! I can send my work to you if your interest by email.

    Best Regards,

  50. Michael (A Certain Line) sent me. Hey! So happy about that!

  51. Bernard Rospendowski Says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I was wondering if the creative art therapy approach adopted in “Chocolate Rain” for dementia could be combined with mathematics therapy? Possibly Mobius bands could be used as could fractal patterns and golden rectangles?
    Kindest wishes,

  52. I shall look out for your book chocolate rain as I’m hoping to get Arts Council Funding to run my ripped paper workshops with early stage dementia sufferers and their careers.

  53. Mallory Says:

    Hi Sarah,

    I am so glad I found your blog. We can thank Pinterest for that. I’ve found your tips for cleaning paint brushes to be helpful. I became curious and explored your blog, I enjoyed it and found it inspiring and relatable. I wanted to reach out to you and show my appreciation! I saw that it’s been awhile since your last post, I hope everything is ok on your end and I hope see more from you soon. I have become a fan !



  54. Only now I understood that you Sarah (Linda) left this earthly plane. I met you in Findhorn, and did a workshop in which your later husband Rende was also participating. While staying for a few months there in Summer 1980, I met my later wife and moved to her in Amsterdam (she died in 1996). As a professional calligrapher, I admired your inspiring style, e.g. in the Findhorn Family Cookbook. – Dear Rende, belated condolences. I will contact you soon.

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